Leading researchers released a report stating that U.S. greenhouse gas emissions rose by more than 3.4% in 2018, the first increase since 2006 and the largest rise in 20 years. This worrisome news comes both as President Trump continues to relax greenhouse gas reduction policies for power plants, vehicles and other sectors—and as domestic climate change related impacts like hurricanes, floods, fires and sea-level rise, cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
The U.S.A has gotten to a point where merely overturning Trumps rollbacks on fuel economy rules and regulations on power plants will not be enough. The data shows that in order to cut green house gas emissions drastic changes must be made. These changes include "zero-carbon energy standard for the electricity sector, renewed incentives to electrify the US vehicle sector, funding for clean energy technology breakthroughs"
Energy and commerce chairman Frank Pallone stated that he will take up an initiative to lower the amount of emissions the U.S produces. Frank said "most importantly a zero-carbon energy standard that will require greater amounts of clean energy in the economy. Such a standard should include all types of zero carbon electricity production, including not only wind, solar and hydro-power."
This spike in emission production should serve as a wake up call, that the U.S and other countries must concentrate and create legislation to cutting emissions. If you would like to read the full article written by Paul Bledsoe it can be found at https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulbledsoe/2019/01/08/as-u-s-emissions-spike-under-trump-democrats-pursue-real-climate-policies-not-green-wish-lists/?utm_source=FBPAGE&utm_medium=social&utm_content=2070655780&utm_campaign=sprinklrForbesMainFB#475f20bd44a4